Patrick H. Finn and Mary Molly Ellen Shrider Finn
             Patrick H. Finn was born in July, 1872 in Lima Ohio. Mary Molly Ellen Shrider was born in 1878 in the nearby town of Lafayette.They married
             in 1896. After living in Lima for a few years, they were in Muncie, Indiana when a tragic event befell the young family. In late December of  1904
             their two year old son, Bernard Joseph Finn was playing with a small tin wagon, walking backward and pulling the wagon when he tripped over a
             kettle of hot water set on the floor next to the stove. Even though his mother immediately attended to him, he died from the burns. Mary, too,
             suffered sever burns. The family returned to the Lima area by 1910. In all the family had nine children: Paul, 1897, Helen, 1899, Bernard, 1902,
             Leo, 1905, Richard, 1906, Harold, 1909, Mary, 1911, Rita, 1913, and  James, 1917. Leo was born in Muncie, Indiana, then Richard was born in